Mac and cheese powder may contain chemicals that alter gender

macDo you like to eat mac and cheese and think that instant varieties are an easy alternative? Think again. New research claims that chemicals that have been linked to a number of chronic diseases can occur in high concentrations in macaroni and cheese made with powdered cheese.

Known as phthalates, they are already banned from children’s teething rings and other toys die to affect hormones and metabolism. But now a study of cheese products have found the substances that leak in food packaging and equipment in almost all samples. The highest levels were found in processed cheese powder in mixed macaroni and cheese which is four times more than in natural cheeses.

High exposure to phthalates is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure in men. They are also related to obesity, thyroid abnormalities, reduced sperm count and mobility and risks for pregnant women and children.

In addition, there is strong evidence that it blocks testosterone production as well.

The chemical substance of the gender bender has been linked to birth defects in children and can also affect the development of babies still in the womb.

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