Pregnant women who train are less likely to have cesarean delivery

pregnentLondon: Pregnant women who follow a healthy diet and engage in regular moderate exercise are less likely to have a cesarean or gain weight, as well as develop diabetes in pregnancy, scientists have found, including one of Indian origin.

Researchers at Queen Mary University in London (QMUL) in the UK found that diet combined with physical activity significantly reduced the mother’s weight gain during pregnancy by an average of 0.7 kilograms.

It also reduced the chances of the mother having a cesarean section by 10 percent, the researchers said.

“For every 40 mothers who follow a healthy diet and moderate exercise, one less woman will end up with a cesarean,” said Shakila Thangaratinam, a QMUL professor.

C-sections can carry risks such as infections for the mother and breathing difficulties for the baby, the researchers said.

Lifestyle changes reduced the risk of diabetes in pregnancy by 24 percent, which typically affects more than 1 in 10 mothers during pregnancy, and increases the risk of complications in both mother and baby.

“Often with interventions like these, some groups benefit more than others, but we have shown that diet and physical activity have a beneficial effect in all groups, regardless of their body mass index, age or ethnicity,” added Thangaratinam .

The research examined data from individual participants of 12,526 pregnant women in 36 previous trials in 16 countries.

He compared the effects of diets (including restriction of sugary drinks, promotion of low-fat dairy products, increased fruit and vegetables) and physical activity (moderate intensity including aerobic classes and stationary cycling and resistance training for muscle groups ).

The researchers did not find strong evidence that interventions would affect offspring outcomes, such as stillbirths, underweight or overweight, or admission to a neonatal intensive care unit.

The lack of adverse effects should reassure mothers who have traditionally been warned not to perform structured exercise or manage their diet during pregnancy.

“Our results are important because it is often thought that pregnant women should not exercise because it can harm the baby,” Thangaratinam said.

“Babies are not affected by physical activity or diet, and there are additional benefits, including a reduction in maternal weight gain, diabetes in pregnancy, and the risk of requiring a cesarean,” he added.

The study was published in the British Medical Journal.

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